Of Dying–A Ghazal

Dead Tree in Sepia

Image by Grumpy-Puddin via Flickr

That pain surrounds our birth, there’s no denying,
though worse, the fear that comes with thoughts of dying.

For life’s sojourn is pierced by sounds of crying,
as day-by-day we creep unto our dying.

Absorbed by fear of loss, we turn to buying
mere toys to mask remembrance of our dying.

And as our days grow long we know dark sighing
of friends and those we love. We watch their dying.

Perhaps, at length, we will eschew defying,
instead, embracing death: Victorious dying.

Re-posted for Gooseberry Garden’s where today’s theme is loss and longing. http://gooseberrygoespoetic.blogspot.com/ Thank you Shashi for this prompt and your dedication in the past in hosting.

16 thoughts on “Of Dying–A Ghazal

  1. […] Of Dying – A Ghazal (liv2write2day.wordpress.com) […]


  2. Jamie Dedes says:

    This is perfect poem and perfect truth. I absolutely love it. It’s memorable, worthy of many reads. My we re-blog it on “Into the Bardo.” Let me know, Victor. Would be honored. New email: jamiededes@gmail.com.

    Thanks you! 😉


  3. terri0729 says:

    Very well written and nicely done! I really liked the “Victorious dying” the most. Peace and blessings, Terri


  4. Wonderful expressions of a subject few wish to know.
    Very nice,


  5. tinkwelborn says:

    Well Victoria, you’ve done it again…very good poem.

    (aside: I was reading today and (for all) not to destroy the fear of dying & thus snuffing out one of poetry’s avenues, but Montaigne has something cogent & ameliorative to say about it. but still, there’ll always be that fear, won’t there. I mean, how many people read Montaigne?)


  6. tigerbrite says:

    A blessed release at the end. Moving on in spirit to the inner planes.


  7. chimnese says:

    Victoria what a wonderful thought provoking poem, u certainly capturd the loss in this piece.


  8. Bodhirose says:

    Excellent–I love what you did with this topic and the form.


  9. David King says:

    I begin to think the Ghazal is particularly suited to this subject.. I’ve seen one or two excellent examples just recently, but this is the best by a measure.


  10. vivinfrance says:

    A gentle ghaza, and a triumph of poeming skill. I like the idea of victorious dying.


  11. Mike Patrick says:

    Nice work on a heavy subject. I was fascinated by your image selection. I sometimes spend as much time trying to match an image to a poem as writing the poem. The stark tree is perfect.


  12. So many true statements here; I love how you worked your name into the last line of the ghazal.


  13. Morning says:

    Perhaps, at length, we will eschew defying,
    instead, embracing death: Victorious dying.

    your words are vibrating, love all lines, well done.


  14. Heaven says:

    I like the ghazal form… meaningful thoughts about death.


  15. a unique look at death…perhaps one day I can embrace the thought of victorious dying…not there yet


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