The Coming–dVerse Open Link Night

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Sheathed in elegance, you capture
a ruptured moment in another sphere
that hurls raptures of color, spews garnet

red, arrays of blue and purple.
They warn of Parousia.
This saintly Sabbath eve you steal

a glimpse of future promise.
You merge as one into the universal consciousness.
Orgasmic nebulae enfold you in ecstasy.

Randomly chosen words: Elegance, Parousia, Steal, Merge, Enfold, Garnet, Ruptured, Saintly, Sabbath, Nebula. In escatology, the word Parousia refers to the end-time. 

I couldn’t resist posting another random word poem (Mad Lib) as suggested by Brian Miller last Saturday’s Poetics. dVerse Poets’ Pub will open its doors tomorrow at 3:00 PM EST when poets from all over the world will post a poem of their own choosing. Hope to see you there!

22 thoughts on “The Coming–dVerse Open Link Night

  1. Jamie Dedes says:

    A very graceful and meaningful job of it, Victoria. 🙂
    (I would have missed this if it weren’t for FB! I guess it does serve a purpose. LOL!)


  2. Sabio Lantz says:

    God’s eye nebula is cool like Faces in the Clouds (cool book) and other pareidolia.

    Absorption into wonder, by whatever means is wonderful! As is this poem.


  3. Green Speck says:

    Beautiful thoughts … loved it !!!


  4. kolembo says:

    “…that hurls raptures of color, spews garnet…”

    My knees buckled. Glorious.


  5. I really like this random concept, although you do manage to unify and make something quite sensational with these awesome words!


  6. tough words… but as always, you wove them beautifully. I love a glimpse of the future promise. = )


  7. ManicDdaily says:

    Very colorful and musical! k.


  8. kkkkaty says:

    Am thinking you do like a challenge..some tough words there…and nicely done…ah the expanding universe;)


  9. Pamela says:

    Victoria, a beautiful write with some difficult words. I have been doing the Sunday whirl for almost 100 posts (I missed two due to the flu) using random words given to us by our hostess, Brenda Warren. It is not an easy task and you nailed this lady.



  10. Renee Espriu says:

    It may be random but glorious as well.


  11. Grace says:

    Great weaving of words about the universe ~ There is beauty and awe in your words ~


  12. Truedessa says:

    Victoria, I think you did and excellent job weaving the words into this piece. I really liked the opening line..that was the hook for me.


  13. ayala says:

    Victoria, vivid and lovely write.


  14. Strong and intense use of words, Victoria 🙂 my favorite line “Orgasmic nebulae enfold you in ecstasy.” Parousia -presence in greek 🙂 The words flow beautifully.


  15. Sensuous and loved the colours and merging into oneness with the universe…beautiful visual too…didn’t know Parousia, thanks.


  16. ladynimue says:

    I like the glimpses of beauty this showed ..


  17. claudia says:

    oh nice…you have given it quite some body with your esp. the hurling raptures of color and spewing garnet…


  18. alan1704 says:

    Wonderful, full of images that just jump out and slap you in the face. I loved it


  19. TinoTino says:

    Some great words, woven together to form a simply great piece. If its space orientated, I am always going to enjoy, because I love anything to do with the vast universe we live in.
    I went with the music last weekend, mainly becauseno one was around to offer me up some words. I would enjoy giving this mad lib a shot if you care to leave me some words to play with at some point today.

    Orgasmic nebulae enfold you in ecstasy. Yes please 😉


  20. brian miller says:

    wow….vivid and beautiful just to look at…parousia is a cool word as well….looked it up…smiles..ha some wicked internal rhyme in this as well….very nice….


  21. Mary says:

    Victoria, you took the words and wrote something profound with them. Not easy, but you did it. Love the last stanza.


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