poetry lurks outside my window–dVerse Open Link Night


poetry lurks outside my window

chickadees surprise
tree branches alive with dance
then only stillness

outside my window
leaves don foliage for death
so many unknowns

leaves—gold crimson bright
each one a work of beauty
too many ignored

cupped, catching the rain
curled leaf-maws hold pure water
life-source for our thirst

what seems like dying
leaves fallen to earth in heaps
promises rising

bare branches reach out
offer their fruit to wax wings
satin loveliness

Photo: David Slotto

Photo: David Slotto Cedar Wax Wing

This is the day we get to play with poetry, any form, any topic, for dVerse Open Link Night, and I hope to see you there.

Autumn has crept in. This morning 37 degrees and windy and I had to cut short my walk, letting my North Dakota-born husband finish the route with the dogs. By the end of the week, it’s supposed to be up in the 80’s again. That’s how it is in Northern Nevada. 


22 thoughts on “poetry lurks outside my window–dVerse Open Link Night

  1. All wonderful – stanza III is my favourite of all though!


  2. The beginning of Autumn will surely be greeted with a long sigh. The heat of summer is gone and the brown and golden colors are most welcomed!



  3. Delyn Merce says:

    Autumn births such lovely poetry!


  4. Mish says:

    A lovely tribute to Autumn and how easily we can miss those gifts of nature before they pass.


  5. […] Here is a short poem I wrote after being inspired by a series of haiku poems from Victoria C. Slotto, Author […]


  6. kanzensakura says:

    I lovelovelove your various haiku. Each one is perfection and gives such a sense of place and season.


  7. LZ says:

    Holy moly, those leaves are gorgeous. And the poem is just as beautiful.

    I think this is my favorite:
    “leaves don foliage for death
    so many unknowns”

    This too, actually:
    “fruit to wax wings
    satin loveliness”


  8. cwaugh212 says:

    Wax Winged wonder,
    Perched above,
    Seeking dinner’s
    Treasure trove.

    Late fall thunder,
    Rumbling loud,
    Warns of winter
    In the grove.

    Rain pools under,
    Leaves so proud,
    Hiding wood
    For winter stove.

    Season changing,
    Life flows on,
    All we love.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Nan Mykel says:

    Reblogged this on NANMYKEL.COM and commented:


  10. It’s the same here in Northern California. I’m ready for autumn to come and stay a while. =)


  11. thotpurge says:

    Lovely fall images…


  12. Imelda says:

    Lovely haikus. I’d like to see the world through your window as well to have such nice poetry. 🙂


  13. cupped – catching the rain (even as they die) Lovely. And those images are gorgeous!


  14. lynn__ says:

    Gorgeous photos to accompany your autumnal haiku…thanks for sharing your view from Nevada!


  15. Glenn Buttkus says:

    You, too, are using a form similar to the one utilized by Bjorn, but hey, you laid 6 haiku on us; very sweet. I like VI the most. OLN is always intriguing out on the trail, for one never quite knows what’s around the next bend. Nevada is a harsh land, all high plateau & foothills that harbor deep mysterious arroyos. It is horse country & you always give me such a wonderful sense of place.


  16. Grace says:

    I admire each autumn perspective specially the last one Victoria. Leaves for me are a work of beauty.


  17. Misky says:

    Really splendid writing. I love these.


  18. A beautiful poem and I love the promise rising from the fallen leaves and the offering of Autumn berries to the wax wings. Thank you so much for sharing :o)


  19. Beautiful, and I love the title! Poetry lurks everywhere if we can open to observe it!


  20. Lovely how you capture the wonder of autumn without bringing up its worst… Yes there are so many things to love about autumn..


  21. Brian says:

    The cycle captured in your vivid words and detailed depictions. We have Cedar Waxwings migrate through twice a year. I love to hear the soft ‘chirring’ as they swoop in tight flocks and dive into our birdbath to drink.


  22. I like how you begin and end with birds, and even in the death of autumn find a sign of life in the food for the wax wings. Beautiful words, as always.


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