Desert Mosaic–dVerse Haibun Monday

Desert Mosaic

Photo: Victoria Slotto

Photo: Victoria Slotto

A sharp breeze from the southwest snaps flags—reminders of Presidents’ Day and the aftermath of recent rain showers. White clouds pool in mountain crevices—fluffy bowls of whipped cream or meringue. Sunshine breaks through, coaxing the dogs and I to cross the street in an attempt to offset desert chill. Black crows that circle overhead caw furiously. Sparky and Zoe bark back as though to protect me but I press onward, ignoring the chaos, and I consider how nature gives freely of her beauty.

rainy winter days
rare but pregnant with promise
carpets of color

In the years when we are blessed with abundant rain, the desert floor blooms forth, splashing color everywhere.

Written for and posted to dVerse Haibun Monday where Kanzen Sakura asks us to consider how the best things in life are free.


17 thoughts on “Desert Mosaic–dVerse Haibun Monday

  1. munchkinontheroad says:

    Reblogged this on On the Road Cooking and commented:
    Lovely verses…


  2. kokilagupta says:

    Carpet of color! I have used a similar phrase in my haiku on Autumn! ..and, I find it’s usage for a rainy winter day quite exceptional! It gives the words a picturesque quality and creates an image of nature in blues, grays, whites and blacks! Green too. I loved your description as well. The best things in life are free for sure! 🙂


  3. Suzanne says:

    I like your haibun and totally agree – nature gives her beauty to us freely. We are blessed.


  4. I often wonder if my little dog barks to protect me or to ask me to protect him! Lovely description of the photo, V!


  5. Wonderful how Zoe and Sparky protect you from the circling crows and I love your ‘carpets of color’ within the rainy winter days xxx


  6. Misky says:

    Such a perfect phrase: “pregnant with promise”. I enjoyed reading this very much.


  7. ladynyo says:

    Your descriptions had me there….and I had a Sparky, too…brave fellow, a English Field Spaniel. Your haiku was lovely.


  8. Bev says:

    I like the “white clouds pool in mountain crevices” and I think I hear the crows in the distance! Thank you for taking me there.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. wolfsrosebud says:

    The crows are noisy this time of the year as they command the sky, but soon the song birds will come. Loved your haiku.


  10. Sue says:

    Love your haiku…..pregnant with promise is a great line


  11. Cheryl-Lynn says:

    What a beauty!!! your entire piece is “pregnant with promise” and abundance.


  12. This is wonderful, especially the promise in the rain and the image of meringue


  13. frankhubeny says:

    I liked the encounter of the dogs and the crows. The desert floor blooms must have been worth the extra rain.


  14. I love this, Victoria, especially, ‘carpets of color.’


  15. kanzensakura says:

    I am so glad to see you here! Yes, she is a giver. Some may argue she is also a taker but she gives more than she takes. I love how brave your dogs are, barking back at the crows. And how the desert floor blooms with color. Beautiful writing. Thank you.


  16. Grace says:

    She is a giver, a mother with eternal beauty~ Love your haiku, pregnant with promise Victoria ~ Good to see you ~


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