Sunrise, Sunset–dVerse Poetics

Photo: Victoria Slotto

Sunrise, Sunset

We stand on our deck, face north,
watch Sun rise in the east,
casting shadows on the west
flank of our garden.

This early we don’t need shade,
but shadows from our trees,
ash, maple and cherry,
practice for evening hours

when we shall yearn for shelter.
Before he sets, Sun flings
his fiery rays toward us.
Tomatoes bask in warmth,

begin to form fruit around
their fragile yellow blossoms.
Magenta lobes of the eggplant
dangle like pendulous breasts.

For our part, we unwind. Sun,
breaks through leafy branches,
casts rays through sweating glasses
of tawny chardonnay or ruddy merlot.

In the embracing shade of her boughs
I turn toward you. We watch as
Sun sighs, pulls a blanket of clouds
around his shoulders and hurls
himself over the horizon.

Photo: Victoria Slotto

Please join us at dVerse Poetics, where Lillian has us considering SHADE. And don’t forget the Haibun prompt, WABI-SABI, is open all week.

19 thoughts on “Sunrise, Sunset–dVerse Poetics

  1. Wow…….Excellent…..loved the images…. beautiful!!


  2. Loveliness personified! A delightful perspective, ripe with imagery.


  3. Frank Hubeny says:

    Nice personification of the sun at the end sighing, covering with a blanket of clouds and dropping below the horizon.


  4. kim881 says:

    I feel as if I am standing there with you, Victoria! I especially love:
    ‘… shadows from our trees,
    ash, maple and cherry,
    practice for evening hours’
    and the descriptions of the tomatoes and eggplant.


  5. lily says:

    Excellent piece, Victoria. I especially love the closing:

    “Sun sighs, pulls a blanket of clouds
    around his shoulders and hurls
    himself over the horizon.”

    That last line break made me giggle. 🙂


  6. Glenn Buttkus says:

    As noted thrice, your closing stanza is killer, making the sun an active participant. I may have to borrow that strong image of Sun sometime.We are 55 days without rain here. The watered tomatoes love it. I do not. My A/C has become my best friend.


  7. Charley says:

    “We watch as
    Sun sighs, pulls a blanket of clouds
    around his shoulders and hurls
    himself over the horizon.”

    It was hard to choose one spot I admired over the rest… it’s all good. This, however is beyond… the cavalier sun hopping over the ledge of dusk.


  8. jaybluepoems says:

    Love these lines – absolutely exquisite
    “Sun sighs, pulls a blanket of clouds
    around his shoulders and hurls
    himself over the horizon”
    I see him, back turned, head down, moving into the mists of dusk. Beautiful!


  9. love that last stanza


  10. Waltermarks says:

    Sounds like a great way to end the day. Looking over my back fence, (facing North), I have about the same view as your photo


  11. This is sumptuous and captures a hot humid summer’s day perfectly, the joy of sunset..and the cooling.


  12. Sue says:

    Oooh, great imagery throughout, but I love that last verse, Victoria!


  13. A day in the garden. Wonderful word pictures for us to savor.!


  14. Grace says:

    Love the beauty of both the sunrise and sunsets with vivid imagery. My favorites are: tomatoes basking in warmth and the magenta lobes of the eggplant.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. kanzensakura says:

    Oh how I love this poem – all the different shades of dusk to dawn. And then the sun throws itself down into the horizon….I love the eggplants as pendulous breasts….my tomatoes are starting to wind down, the cukes are gone as is the squash…sigh.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We are late here. Tons of cukes the tomatoes are just beginning. It has been a weird year. David starts his tomatoes from seed in March while we’re still in the desert. They are taller than he is right now.

      Liked by 1 person

      • kanzensakura says:

        Mine are always taller than I! I got a late start and then the heat – they all of them grew and ripened quickly. So many cukes I had to make pickles and I canned quite a few tomatoes. Busy summer. I’m lazy. I always buy plants instead of starting from seed. I admire David.

        Liked by 1 person

  16. I had the feeling of standing with you and watching a speeded up film of dawn to dusk, and like in a silent film, it ends with the sun throwing himself over the parapet.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. lillian says:

    Oh such beautiful descriptive imagery here. So many favorite lines…and feelings from your words here.
    I’ll just mention these:
    “Magenta lobes of the eggplant
    dangle like pendulous breasts.”
    I’ve always thought the eggplant one of the most beautiful vegetables…and of course, I should have known, they are of the feminine guile 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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