Small Stones and Sounds

A Collection of Small Stones and Sounds

At the Service Station in Bishop, CA

Surrounded by utility trucks
WasteManagement picking up garbage
a gaggle of hunters in camouflage
Drowning in testosterone
Get me out of here.
-January 2

Driving the Great Basin

Bare-branched oaks stretch
on a bright winter’s day.
Ghosts drape from their limbs.
-January 3

Owens Valley

“Little Lake” surprises
in the midst of arid land.
She shed her aqua garment for mossy green.
Ducks bob on her wrinkly surface.
-January 4


This morning,
heaven’s artisan chose a feathered brush.
Paints whispy clouds.
-January 5

Driving the water hazard.
Plop. Splash. Ooops.
Be humble.
-January 7

Photo: D. Slotto

Linking to dVerse Poetics, where Sheila Moore’s article and prompt deals with onomatopoeia.  So, I took the short poems I had jotted down for River of Stones and made a bit of noise!