Adagio–dVerse Haibun Monday

Photo: David Slotto, Cedar Wax Wing in Our Ornamental Pear Tree

No Ko Me—Tree Buds
A Haibun

Outside my office window, on the second floor of our home, an ornamental pear tree shares the seasons with me. In summer, her leaves are full and green, offering their shade in the southwest, yet still allowing a view of the setting sun as he hops over the Sierra Nevada. A robin perches in her fluffy nest.

Autumn paints my landscape in glorious tones of gold and orange and crimson…a final shout-out before the now-brown leaves let go, returning to nourish the earth, revealing the tiny, inedible fruit that appears to be a berry. An influx of migrating cedar wax wings stop by to eat of her offerings, along with an occasional chickadee.

But it is in spring that promises pop out on all the gnarly little branches and as I wait for them to open, the return of wrens and finches fill the room with poetic song. This is the first movement of another year’s symphonic beauty.

brace themselves, appear anew
soon, a crescendo

Today, I’m hosting the Monday Haibun at dVerse. The prompt Kigo is No Ko Me–Tree Buds. To learn more and to join in HERE is the link.

the darkest of dark

Photo: Labeled for non-commercial use

Photo: Labeled for non-commercial use

the darkest of dark

“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too, was a Gift.
Mary Oliver

It is still the darkest of dark night, yet already the wrens have begun to chant lauds and the dove coos longing…or it it loss?

The sounds of the wakening world, the scent of last night’s rain that anointed the blossoming lime tree, the hunger to join the burgeoning dance of life, draw me into light before the sun has a chance to peek over the horizon and confirm hope.

night shakes off darkness
morning stretches lazily
kisses a new day

Written for Grace’s prompt at dVerse Haibun Monday in which she gives us four poetic quotes, asking us to chose one and write a haibun related to nature. You will want to read these wonderful quotes to meet the request of the prompt. They will be available at 3:00 PM, EST when the pub doors open to welcome you and your poetry.

The first phrase of this haibun is from Oliver’s poem, “It Is Early,” found in her latest release, “Felicity.”



Photo Credit: Kate Aubrey, Google Images

Photo Credit: Kate Aubrey, Google Images

last night, in a dream
i walked the shore with Bashō
wrote poetry of spring’s death


today wide awake
i breathe honeysuckle moons
waiting for summer’s sunrise

Photo Credit: Wikipedia

Photo Credit: Wikipedia


Join us over at dVerse Poet’s Pub where Sam invites us to sip of a Japanese poetry form: Sedoka. The form consists of two unrhymed tercets,  each having 5-7-7 syllables. They express the same thought, but with a twist. It’s very fun. Thank you, Sam.