January in the Desert

Photo: David Slotto


January in the Desert

I am
a wild strawberry
woven among
low-lying oleander branches,

I am
the fear that brushes
by your body in
the darkness of a dream.

I am
slipping over
mounded slopes

of snow-capped
Santa Rosa mountains
bringing rain
and night.

I slap
the rounded curves of
wind-stroked cheeks
turned skyward.

I am the hummingbird.
I wait outside
your window
with promises of joy.

I’m linking this to dVerse Open Link Night and Write2Day, which I will post on Wednesday afternoon (4 PM PST). Be sure to stop by the pub to enjoy good friends, superb poetry and an on-going celebration of the new year. I’d love to see you here on Wednesday, too.

I wrote this last year during our stay in Palm Desert. My husband photographed this pure white (Leucistic) hummingbird that loved to visit our feeder and truly did bring us joy.

January in the Desert–Jingle’s Poetry Rally

Flowers everywhere....

Image by Per Ola Wiberg ~ Powi via Flickr

Submitted to Jingle’s Poetry Rally: http://jingleyanqiu.wordpress.com/2011/01/12/thursday-poets-rally-week-37-january-13-19/

January in the Desert

I am
a wild strawberry
woven among
low-lying oleander branches,

I am
the fear that brushes
by your body in
the darkness of a dream.

I am
slipping over
mounded slopes

of snow-capped
Santa Rosa mountains
bringing rain
and night.

I slap
the rounded curves of
wind-stroked cheeks
turned skyward.

I am the hummingbird.
I wait outside
your window
with promises of joy.

Darkness is Only a Degree of Light

A flame from a burning candle

Image via Wikipedia


Darkness is Only a Degree of Light






When the year is at its nadir
and darkness overtakes
the light, someone,
lights a

The flame eases into your
consciousness and
you understand
that we were
to see.

Welcome all the children of
Earth. Revel in your need
to join in celebration.
Now’s the moment
to set the world
on fire.